The Bhoomi Poojan of our Ultra Premium Project, Akashparv was conducted at 9.00 AM on 20th January, 2013
Meghsparsh - Snehasohala
February 2016
The Handover ceremony of our Luxurious Apartments Project, Meghsparsh was conducted as an exclusive family event for all the residence owners and their families.
Sharada Alliance - Exhibition
October 2015
Our presence at one of the many real estate exhibitions held in Maharashtra was a great success in directly connecting with our customers and giving them a preview of what they can expect from our residences.
Sharada Pride Inaugration
21st August, 2016
The auspicious inaugration of Sharada Pride, our Luxurious Apartments and Commercial spaces in Phaltan, Maharashtra.
Spandan Handover Ceremony
27th November, 2016
The Handover ceremony of our Luxurious Terrace Apartments - Spandan in Warje took place at 10.00 AM on 27th November, 2016.
Dominos Store Inaugration at Step One
20th March, 2017
The Inaugration ceremony of well known Pizza brand, Domino's at our commercial space - Step One in Kothrud, Pune took place at 4.00 AM on 20th March, 2017.